Programs are available in business, information technology, psychology, writing, ESL, TESOL, classics, and arts and sciences
Friday, March 25, 2011
Need Mental Health Continuing Education?
Psychiatry a specialist of the medical field centered around studying and treating the troubles of the human mind, including cognitive, behavioral, affective and perceptual disorders. Because of the complex nature of the work and subject matter involved, it is one of the most challenging fields to both enter and work in in the world.
So how does one pursue a career in this field, or even begin to think about one for that matter? For starters, it all begins with understanding the need for extensive mental health continuing education.
Psychiatrists are physicians, meaning they are not only therapists but actual doctors as well. Unlike many other specialties within the field, they take a biomedical approach to treating disorders of the mind that include prescribing medication. In short for those considering this career path, it often means that double the education is necessary, as prospects are required to study both related types of medicine.
Psychiatrists often also perform psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques and must study these aspects of the profession as well, but their required level of understanding of these topics depends upon where they study or intend to practice. Different mental health continuing education programs and state or regional licensing boards feature different requirements for such cross-training that define a student's specific program.
The requirements to become a psychiatrist are both extensive and significant and vary depending on an individual's location or school of choice. In the United States, prospective students are able to earn an undergraduate bachelor's degree in an area of study of their choice, which is most often a related subject, while also completing required core courses that will prepare them for more focused graduate work.
Most graduate programs begin with years of study, training and apprenticeships in order for the student to become a licensed doctor of medicine. That is typically followed by years of work in psychiatry in order for the individual to become fully licensed. The combination of school work, testing and hands-on experience within the profession is designed to prepare students for the work load and challenges they will experience once licensed and able to practice.
The total amount of time often required to become fully licensed to practice within the profession is between eight and 10 years if there are no interruptions or difficulties with any of the programs. Students must also pass various assessments and forms of testing along the way in order to proceed with their studies.
Mental health continuing education is not for everyone, but it can prepare individuals for a career in one of the most exciting and challenging professions in the world.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Continuing Education
As you enter college you will eventually have to answer the question that has been asked of you since you were little.However, before you become a paramedic, there are educational prerequisites that you need to follow as mandated by US Department of Transportation.
Adults going back to school are reportedly contributing to enrollment increases at colleges, universities and technical schools throughout the country.The military offers an outstanding opportunity to get your education. Most servicemen think they need to wait until they get discharged to take advantage of the benefits the military offers them.
I personally am not a sucker for the scheme of the modern day education system. Don't get me wrong, I love to learn. If you're like 1/6 adults who haven't finished college you may be asking yourself if it makes sense to finish your degree after all these years.
Many nursing students after graduating from their basic degree, have further plans to do relevant advanced nursing degree or courses.
It's back to school time again, and as the kids get settled into their daily routine, perhaps you too have been thinking about going back to school.
If you have already made the decision to earn your MBA, you are already one step towards finding more opportunities and advancement in your career goals. First, keep in mind that a nursing certification is for nurses who are looking for a specialty. This is different then actually becoming a nurse.
Now that you are out of school and thinking about, or being forced into, going to college, there is one opportunity that you may not have thought of - gap year work.
This type of travel is certainly no vacation, and because of that, it might even make school a little more appealing to you when you get back. In the meantime, you will have some fabulous experiences,
But more important than that, gap-year work is an experience that every young person should have, and one that will stay with you forever. Your parents may be pushing you to go straight into college after school, but for many reasons that is not the right choice for some students.
Some people growing up knowing exactly what they want to be. From the time they strap on that first guitar, they know they will be a musician, or from the time they have their first pet, they know they will be a vet. But, for the rest of us who have no idea how we want to make our living, getting gap year work may be the best thing that you ever do. A gap year is often the one thing that helps people decide on their future.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Continuing Education Scottsdale Can Be Good
One reason that this can be good is they should get the classes that is required to have the certification that they should have. Since they can get this they should not have to worry about getting the certifications lapsing which could cost them their job.
Another reason that an individual will want to find these courses is they are capable of getting the classes that could improve the certifications that they have. The courses could allow them to learn a new skill and that could lead to a promotion or more pay in the current position they currently have.
Something else that an individual will find about this is they should be able to have these courses to help them enjoy life. They can enjoy the life that is going on because they can maintain the work that they are currently holding. However, without the education they could see that they may have to face a demotion or docking of pay until they get the required courses.
Being able to find continuing education Scottsdale can be a wonderful thing to do. That is when a person should know that these courses could be the only way that they can maintain the current employment that they are enjoying. Then they should want to find the courses that they should have quickly and then they can see just how nice it is going to be to have the education they need to continue the job they love.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Insurance Continuing Education - Key Stakeholders
Who Is a Key Person?
Deciding exactly who is a key person in a business is sometimes easy, sometimes more difficult. Generally, in a smaller business owned by one person or just a few people, the owners can easily be identified as key people. However, even in very small businesses, certain employees who are not owners may also play key roles. The example of a chief photographer mentioned previously serves well here. Even if the photographer is a non-owner employee, he obviously is important to the success of the ad agency and is a candidate for key person insurance.
Critical Financial Role
Whether the person is an employee or an owner-employee, the individual must serve a role that is critical to the financial health of the business. The role might be in management, finance, sales, professional or technological expertise, production or any other area or combination of areas in which, without that person's contribution, the business would be in danger of suffering financial loss.
It is interesting to contrast the characteristics that identify a key person with someone who does not fit that profile. For example, sometimes high compensation is used as a guideline, but salary alone is not adequate for identifying a key person, especially when the person works for a larger business. High compensation may equate with a highly competent executive of a large business, but if others in the business could step in immediately to assume that person's responsibilities, very little, if any, negative financial consequences would occur. Without an adverse financial result, there is no need for key person insurance.
On the other hand, a similar individual employed by a small or medium-sized company that employs no one else with the same talents is likely to be a key person whose absence could cause financial problems. You'll find that some insurers will not even write key person insurance for large businesses that employ many people in similar capacities.
Proprietorships, Partnerships, Corporations
Key person Insurance is available to all forms of business, regardless of the type of ownership. Sole proprietors may purchase key person insurance on their own lives and/or the lives of one or more key employees.
Each partner in a partnership may be covered, typically by a policy the partnership entity owns. Partners, too, might have key non-owner employees for whom key person insurance is appropriate.
And both C and S corporations are eligible to purchase key person insurance on owners and key employees. In all cases, however, the best prospects are smaller or closely held companies where business success hinges on relatively few people-possibly just one person. As you might suspect, the tax consequences may differ depending on the type of business ownership: we'll see how soon.
How Key Person Life Insurance Works
Let's first consider key person life insurance, which pays benefits if the insured key person dies while the policy is in force. Remember, this insurance is written for the benefit of the business, not the key person.