Sunday, December 11, 2011

Continuing Education for Fashion Designers

There is no underestimating the importance of continuing education for fashion designers. In order to stay competitive in this field, one must always be on the cutting edge of the latest fashion trends, but knowing what's in style this season is just the beginning. Fashion designers must also be on the cutting edge of the latest methods, techniques, industry standards, materials, tools and tricks. If you're a fashion designer, you should definitely expect to refresh your training every few years or so; otherwise, you might find yourself being left behind.

Creative Options for Creative Minds
There are many different continuing education options for fashion designers. If you are a self-trained designer, you could benefit from any level of training. Even if you're already working in the fashion field with a reasonable level of success, you could still benefit from a professional certificate program, associate's degree or even a bachelor's degree in fashion design.

If you already have a certificate or associate's degree, your previous coursework would probably count towards the next level of education. By increasing your formal training, your skills will become more refined, and you will understand certain techniques much better than you did before.

Even designers that have bachelor's degrees and have done their training with prestigious fashion designers can still benefit from a little continuing education. A refresher course every few years is always helpful to stay on the cutting edge of the latest color palettes, lines, patterns, materials, textures, sewing machines, pressing equipment and other design tools. Art and design courses can also be helpful for fashion designers of any level, because they encourage creativity and help strengthen skills in sketching, color combinations, pattern making and more.

As a fashion designer, you may also want to invest some time in your continuing education if you are thinking of switching to a different career within the fashion field or if you simply want to open up your job options. These are a few of the other jobs in the fashion industry that you might consider training for:
Accessory Draper
Clothing Store Manager
Costume Maker
Fashion Research Analyst
Image Consultant
Personal Stylist
Production and Development Manager
Retail Merchandiser
Technical Designer

You may think you know it all, and if you're smart enough to build a career on self-taught skills, you probably do. However, formal training is always going to help you take it to the next level.