Me Time
While parenting and working are important aspects of life, it is equally important to take some time out for personal enrichment. Taking a break from the daily stresses of life can come in the form of learning about photography, world politics or other areas of personal interest. This leaves the individual well-rounded, relaxed and better informed about society and the world around them.
Plan Ahead
When it seems there is never enough time in the day to do everything, planning well in advance may be the key to fitting it in to the busy schedule. Find a one-day seminar or weekend class and work it in to the calendar. Resolve to keep the date and not bump it in favor of other activities or appointments. Mark it on every calendar with reminders. For continuing education credits related to a profession, consider taking time off from work to attend. Most employers are interested in having well-rounded employees who are accredited and certified. They, too, may need to keep up with CEUs and will understand the need to fit them in before a looming deadline.
Bring a Friend
Sometimes part of the challenge of attending seminars is spending less time with friends or family. One way to do both is to take a seminar that someone both people can take together. For example, spouses, parents or adult children may be equally interested in taking a class on digital media and web design, learning about financial and estate planning or discovering the world of genealogy and how to research the family tree. Not only will taking a seminar or continuing education classes help both people learn something of interest, they can spend time together before, during and after the class.
While lifelong learning is a personal goal for many people, finding the time to actively pursue it can be a challenge. By setting aside personal time to attend classes by planning ahead and rearranging or coordinating their schedules, continuing education can be an enriching and informative addition to a busy lifestyle.