Thursday, May 26, 2011

Adults Continuing Their Education And Fitting In

Many adults are hesitant to go back to school. Some may think that their age does not fit for a college student. However, these should not be hindrance for adults to continue education. Adults want to go back to school and there typical concern is trying to fit in with the younger generation of students. Adults at their mid forties have different concerns and focus in life. They are dealing with life's commitment. Unlike the typical college students wherein their main concern is the education alone, adults have other issues that must be considered.

Even if adults have different concerns in life, they still want to finish college and go back to school. Fitting in is the challenge at first, however it can be overcome. Relax and be patient when dealing with other students, school officials and instructors. An adult can visit the campus and familiarize the buildings, the offices, the classroom location and surroundings. If the school offers seminars and sessions for adult students, it is better to attend for them to get to know other adults who are also going back to school. It is also important to participate during classes and an adult must make a good impression to their classmates; however do not try to dominate.

Some adults are tentative in making the decision of going back to school. They may have encountered other people who have nothing good to say about going back to school. These encounters can affect adult's personal knowledge and experiences. These can then lead to unnecessary myths that can lead adults in deciding not to go to school anymore. Some adults will think that college is for intelligent people, which is not a fact since different characters and personalities of people are there in college. Some adults will also think that college education are for young people and will feel out of place if they insist to pursue education in college. Another issue is that the student must pass the entrance exam to have a college education. That is why adults must choose the right school and university that will cater their needs and interests.

There are things that an adult should need to consider when they choose to go back to school. First thing is, age is not an issue. An adult must know that there are several adult students who go to school. And it should be noted that education is available for everyone regardless on what their ages are. Second thing is to learn how to compliment with younger students. An adult must respect the gap between their generations and try not to mind what they are doing and to not take it differently.

Third thing is do not try to buddy with the professor. Most of the time, the age of the professor and the adult student are quite similar. However, an adult must focus on being a student since he or she is there to learn. The instructor will treat the adult as a typical student. The last thing will be sharing knowledge. As a student, an adult is concern on their grades. One way to have better grades is by sharing the thoughts and knowledge to them and the adult can also learn different things from the younger student.

It will be a challenge for an adult to go back to school. And they know that having a college education in hand can be the key to have career advancements and better job opportunities. The adult must choose the right school that will cater their needs and interests. They have other responsibilities and continuing education should not hinder them to do all the tasks.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Easy Steps For Social Work Continuing Education

You may be most interested in saving a little bit of money when you seek you certificate this time around. There are so many companies out there that want to help you save time and money. It is necessary for you to save time when looking to enroll in social work continuing education courses. You are busy and need to keep your attention focused on your practice. Yet, cutting corners isn't an option either so it's necessary that saving time does not get in the way of enrolling in a quality continuing education course.

When you begin looking for online course work, you need to find a company that has a trustworthy reputation and is staffed by people that you believe to be qualified. The person teaching the course should also have notable credentials and be a well known name in your field. You also want to recognize the people that sit on the board of the institution. These should definitely be recognizable names that are associated with the most cutting edge research.

You will also want to check the credentials of the particular site or institution that is offering the class you are interested in enrolling in. Look for specific national and state board approvals. Also, you will want to check for national membership organization approvals. For a company or institution to be approved to offer social work continuing education certificates, they have to meet strict criteria set out by these organizations.

Once you have researched the institution and its staff, you can learn about your options with the course work you select. You have a few different options for course work found within a website. There are a few different types to choose one and having a good feel for how much time you have to offer is wise. You will also need to be fairly aware of the style of learning you do best and where you plan to tackle the class.

There is audio, reading and video course work. If you interested in doing an audiotaped class, you will just need to fill out your application with the company so they can send you a tape. Some firms have begun to send mp3s as well. This audio recording will be a taped lecture or discussion. You will merely need to listen to the recording, take any notes or outlines and then pass a brief quiz. The telephone based course is similar. You'll patched into a telephone conversation to listen live.

If you would like to read the material, then enrolling in a strictly online class will be a good fit. For this class, you will be sent the reading and course work through your email account. Any materials necessary to pass the quiz will be online for you to read at your leisure. Once you have completed the reading, all you'll need to do is pass the quiz to receive your social work continuing education certificate.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tax Continuing Education And The New Healthcare Rules

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act includes changes in the delivery of health insurance and several new income tax provisions. The implementation of these new rules over several years is a major focus oftax continuing education for Enrolled Agents and other tax professionals.

Coverage Changes

Starting in 2010, an adult child up to age 26 who is unable to obtain health insurance from an employer may remain covered by the employer plan of a parent. This replaces the common insurance company provision of not covering any child who reaches age 19 and is not a full time student.Tax CPE courses address how this provision may affect claiming older children as dependents.

Also new for 2010 is a provision that health insurance coverage for children cannot be denied solely because of pre-existing health conditions. In addition, health insurance coverage for anyone can no longer be terminated as a consequence of illness.

Policy maximums have also been eliminated beginning in 2010.

Insurance companies are barred from instituting lifetime caps on coverage.

Starting in 2014, insurance companies cannot deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. This provision requires a pooling of risk involving mandatory coverage for everyone. Failure to obtain coverage beginning in 2014 will incur fines based upon individual incomes. Financial assistance will become available for families earning up to ,200 per year. State operated insurance exchanges in 2014 will provide coverage options in addition to private insurers.

For those who have been denied coverage in 2010 due to pre-existing conditions, coverage is available through state-operated high-risk pools. The maximum out-of-pocket cost under this coverage is ,950 for individuals and ,900 for families.

Starting in 2010, Medicare beneficiaries no longer have out-of-pocket cost for preventative care such as physical exams, testing for treatable conditions, and laboratory work. In addition, the federal government will send 0 to those covered by Medicare to cover prescription drug costs not currently covered by Medicare Part D.

However, those with annual incomes of ,000 (0,000 on joint returns) incur a reduced prescription drug subsidy in 2010. In addition, government subsidies for Medicare Advantage plans are being reduced so those covered by such programs face higher premiums. To assist in tax return preparation, aregistered tax agent must inquire about whether clients received their 0 checks.

Tax Provisions

Continuing professional education (CPE) has several areas to address relating to changing health care rules.Tax CPE courses include information on the new tax credits and additional tax assessments.

Tax credits are available for individuals who purchase health insurance through a state-operated exchange. The tax credit program begins in 2014, when each state is required to have established an exchange. The premium assistance credit is available for households with incomes between 100 percent and 400 percent of the annual poverty level. Upon enrollment, individuals will report income to the exchange. A premium assistance credit is then calculated and paid by the federal government to the state. The insured individual then pays the difference between the premium and the credit.

Individuals who fail to maintain health insurance coverage in 2014 will be subject to tax penalties. Tax professionals will learn in their CPEethics course that, beginning in 2014, an employer with at least 50 full-time employees during the preceding year must offer all full-time employees and their dependents minimum essential coverage under an employer-sponsored plan. Failure to meet this requirement results in a fine for the employer if any eligible employee enrolls in coverage under a state exchange for which a premium tax credit is allowed to the employee.

To assure coverage exists from employer-provided plans, annual W-2 reporting beginning for the 2011 tax year requires disclosure of the value of each employee's health insurance provided by the employer.

Small businesses with fewer than 25 employees and average wages of less than ,000 are eligible for tax credits beginning in 2010. The credit is up to 50 percent of employer contributions for health insurance premiums. Employers with fewer than 10 employees and average wages of less than ,000 receive a 100 percent credit. Wages paid to five-percent owners of a business (or 2 percent of S corporation shareholders) are excluded from the average calculation.

In addition, business are required beginning in 2012 to report on Form 1099 all payments aggregating 0 or more in a calendar year to a single payee, including corporations (other than a payee that is a tax-exempt corporation).

For 2010, the maximum adoption credit is increased to ,170 per eligible child. This increase applies to both non-special needs adoptions and special needs adoptions. Also, the adoption credit is made refundable. The new dollar limit and phase-out of the adoption credit are adjusted for inflation in tax years beginning in 2011.

The tax on distributions from a health savings account (HSA) or an Archer medical savings account (MSA) that are not used for qualified medical expenses is increased to 20 percent, effective in 2011.

Continuing education tax deductible topics include a new threshold for itemized medical expenses. Beginning in 2013, the threshold is increased to 10 percent of adjusted gross income. The present threshold is 7.5 percent of AGI.

Also beginning in 2013, a new Medicare tax is effective for taxpayers with income of 0,000 or more (0,000 for joint tax returns). This is a major change that is being addressed intax continuing education. The tax is 3.8 percent of the lesser of investment income or a modified adjusted gross income calculation. For self-employed taxpayers, the same additional Medicare contribution applies to the Medicare component of the self-employment tax on income in excess of the threshold amount.

In 2014, flexible spending accounts (FSAs) will have lower contribution limits. The new maximum amount allowed will be ,500. In addition, fewer expenses will qualify for FSA spending. For example, an FSA withdrawal will no longer be available to cover the cost of over-the-counter drugs.

However, employees may use a cafeteria plan for paying premiums under a health care plan offered through a state-operated exchange. This affects employees who receive group coverage through an exchange option provided by their employer plus have cafeteria plans. This provision is also effective beginning in 2014.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Counselor Ceu, Continuing Education Psychotherapy From Nace

National Association for Continuing Education Inc. offer continuing education opportunities to provide learners in the fields of medicine, behavioral health, education, and related disciplines, with the most up-to-date, science-based information that will enable them to increase their knowledge, competence, and professional performance to ultimately benefit their patients' health. NACE utilizes systematic approaches to needs assessment to identify practice gaps, identify learning objectives, and develop appropriate educational programs with formats consistent with adult learning principles and also provides diverse opportunities for participants to learn evidenced-based information and acquire skills to improve competence and professional performance. NACE Counselor CEU is fast, easy, and you can receive your certificate of completion immediately. They also provide a variety of quality Continuing Education Psychotherapy Courses online programs for mental health and addiction professionals and nurses.

The online CEU programs are designed to provide the licensed healthcare professional (LMHC, LPC, LCDC, Social Work, Licensed Psychologist) with the opportunity for professional growth and refinement while learning at his/her own pace. They also offer the opportunity for the behavioral health or chemical dependency practitioner to earn the Continuing Education Units (CEU) hours, or nurses the Continuing Medical Education (CME / CE) hours needed to maintain licensure at any time from the comfort, privacy and convenience of home or office through their web-based protocol. You will be able to access all of the material needed to answer the post-test questions online via links of their pages. They offer the listing of the current CEU credit course offerings, including the number of contact hours (clock hours) for which the course is authorized, pricing, and links to the online material and test. When you complete the test material, your answers will be immediately scored. You may take the test as many times as needed to demonstrate mastery over the material, but each attempt will be saved and reviewed. If you achieve a passing score, your score page will also include a certificate request form and a payment section where you may make an online or offline credit card or check payment. They have several hours of approved Online CEU's found on line with them so no need to travel or set side a weekend for study. NACE proudly offers the world's most comprehensive collection of online workforce training and continuing education courses and also they are the trusted leader in high quality, online continuing education.